Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wintermarket Goodies

Despite the sleety, windy rainy weather, we (along with a lot of hardy souls in search of good food) braved the elements to go check out the Wintermarket at the old Fulton Fish Market at the South Street Seaport this past Sunday. It was hard to get too close to some of the stands but we managed to get some pickles from Ricks Picks and great cookies (with actual ginger slices in them) from Milk 'n Cookies.

We also scored some really crunchy apples from the Marlow and Sons stand. I usually walk over to Marlow and Sons a few times a month to get honey (they have many different kinds of honey) and/or Smarties (which remind me of my childhood in Kumasi, Ghana - don't say anything Carl - he thinks I'm namedropping countries now!!)I really did love those smarties at King Supermarket in downtown Kumasi when we went grocery shopping. Anyway, despite the chill that day there was a lot of good cheer and enthusiasm and Carl finally met Andrew (the owner of Diner, Marlow and Sons, and the two Bonita restaurants)and shared that the Bonita in Williamsburg at S. 2nd/Bedford is his favorite restaurant!! The other Bonita is in Fort Greene but we have yet to visit it.

Saxelby Cheese had a stand that was mobbed by a crowd of people at least three-deep. We couldn't get close, but Carl hoisted Salena on his shoulder and yelled a big hello to Anne Saxelby (the proprietor of Saxelby Cheese). I comforted myself with the thought that I visit her stand weekly at Essex Street Market to get cheese (from the Northeast). Right now, I'm buying a lot of Olga (her newest cheese from Maine).It would be great if this became a regular market. Check out www.newamsterdampublic for more information

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